NON-checking " USA Hockey"  Rules Apply

2 pts - Win
1 pt - Tie
0 pt - Loss

No Overtime in Regulation Play
Shoot-outs in playoffs

2 x 15 min runtime period 1 & 2
(1) 12-minute Stoptime in period 3
The clock will run if there is a 5-goal lead.
If the goal spread is covered after runtime starts, it will then revert back to stop time.
***the tournament director also has the right to run the clock if games fall behind the schedule***

All games are subject to a one-hour curfew!

***Fourth penalty gets you a game suspension***

Fighting, intent to injure and abuse of official will not be tolerated!

Tournament Director decisions are final!

Tie-Breaking Procedure

If two teams tie, the tie will be broken in the following manner:

Tie-Breaking Procedures

If two teams tie, the tie will be broken in the following manner:

  1. Head-to-head play between the teams.
  2. Total goal differential. (6 Goals Max per game)
  3. Total goals scored (8 max per game)
  4. Fewest penalty Minutes.
  5. Coin Flip

If three teams tie, the tie will be broken in the following manner:

  1. Head-to-head play between the teams
  2. Total Goal differential. (6 Goals Max per game)
  3. goals scored (8 max per game)
  4. Fewest penalty minutes
  5. coin flip

***The three-way tie-breaker rules are used to eliminate one team from the tie breaking process.  Once a one team is eliminated from the three-way tie breaker rules, the two remaining teams will revert back to the two-team tie-breaker rules to determine final seeding. ***

New rules for 3-Way Tie Breakers

****If one of the tie-breakers eliminates one team, but leaves the two others tied, those teams will have that tie broken under the two-team tie-breaker system.****